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Suicidal Thoughts

The Stigma of Therapy:

I know that sometimes the moment you say the word "suicide" or "I feel like killing myself", people around you overreact and give you unnecessary advise that don't help you in the moment. You thought you reached out for help and support only to feel more hurt and left unheard. I will be here to make you feel seen and heard.


I am aware that different cultures have distinctive attitudes towards help seeking. Some people think that one must be "weak", "crazy", or a "failure" to be asking for help or be in therapy. Some choose suicide before giving therapy a try.


Often times, it is those of us who are accomplished high achievers and great caretakers who try to do everything - all on our own. You are not alone

Asking for help does not take a power away from what you can do independently. Sometimes, we have reached our maximum capacity and our buckets are full.

It's OK. Life is tough; Living is tough. And sometimes life can be unfair. 

It is indeed a sign of strength to invest in yourself and in your relationship. Approach coming to therapy as a platform for you to feel safe and to have your voice heard without any judgment. Your matter.


It's almost like going to a gym to build different parts of the muscle and it's an opportunity for you to add new tools & skills outside of what you already know so that you can have a better outcome.


I volunteered at suicide prevention hotline for several years prior to becoming a psychotherapist. Once I became a licensed psychotherapist, I worked at a multi-disciplinary treatment center which provided higher level of care, and worked with clients who attempted suicide (and survived) and just got discharged from the inpatient hospitalization. I am fully aware that there is a gap in the mental health care system. While being in the hospital can ensure your safety temporarily, you are left with more shame and pain afterwards. You may have lost faith or have mistrust in the mental health care as a result of the bad experience. I have seen many clients who have been in and out of the hospital without their inner deeper soul - being heard.


I met human souls at the darkest moments of despair in life and witnessed breakthroughs


I am not here to label, judge or diagnose you. I am very direct but am gentle and I provide confidential, nonjudgmental, and safe space

I want to get to know YOU as a person encompassing multiple dimensions and multiple parts of yourself.




Suicide: Read This First

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Crisis Hotline & Resources


National Suicide Prevention Life Line 

Call: 1-800-273-8255 (24/7 Service)

Chat: (24/7 Service)


LGBTQ Crisis Hotline

Call: 1-866-488-7386 (24/7 Service)

Chat: (24/7 Service)

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